
Caroline Levisse has published the article L’art “ecclésial” de Grete Refsum in the French web journal Narthex.

Depuis maintenant presque 25 ans, l’artiste norvégienne Grete Refsum développe une pratique artistique spécialement dédiée à l’expression de concepts chrétiens ou religieux, une « théologie visuelle »… [Read more]

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2009 Perle, Skøyen kirke

Katetekisk objekt

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2009 Beach Rosary

I visit Østre Brygge (East Quay), Brønnøya (Well Island) in the Oslo Fjord throughout the year, contemplating my life as the rhythms of nature passes by. The rock is from the Devon Period, calciferous. It cracks into small longitudinal stones that are polished by the sea. I have sorted them at a medium size (5 cm), regular in shape, blue-grey in colour. The composition is 10 x 5 + 5 stones in-between that contrast the others in shape and colour. My Beach Rosary reflects heaven on earth.

The project was part of The World Beach Project
initiated by artist Sue Lawty Victoria & Albert Museum, London

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2009 Verksted på Vollen (Granavollen)

Dette prosjektet…

Refsum, Grete & Ingunn Rimestad. 2009. Body Awareness and Liturgical Reform – Experiences from a Collaborative Workshop Held by a Dancer and a Visual Artist.

Paper read at Religion and Politics of the Body, The Nordic Society for Philosophy of Religion (NSPR). Reykjavik June 26-28, 2009. [PDF]

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2008 Himmel og hav, Solbakken

Utsmykning av Stille rom, Solbakken bo og behandlingssenter, Bærum.

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